What is new in the latest version of the ITIL certification Exam

There are a few major changes you need to know about before taking the test in the most recent version of ITIL. The ITSM exam is currently in its final form. The ITSM exam will end on December 31 in 2018, and will be replaced by a brand new certification exam titled "IT Service Management Specialist." Should you be planning on becoming an IT service management professional, you need to be aware of the implications of these changes for you!

What is in the newest release of ITIL?

  • We'll go through the main modifications that were made in the most recent version of ITIL.

  • First is The ITSM examination will then be withdrawn on December 31, 2018, to be replaced with an exam that is a new certification called "IT Service Management Specialist." The new exam is set to take a more hands-on style and requires more work for the candidates.

  • There will be an emphasis on cross-functional teams and agility to ensure that they can keep up with the current dynamic business world.

ITIL is divided into three complementary service lifecycle stages:

1. Service Strategy

2. Service Design

3. Service Transition

The ultimate goal of the ITIL framework is to drive organisational change in alignment with business goals and strategies.

The new release was split into three separate volumes to reflect the different areas of IT that users usually need:

Volume 1: Foundation — This volume covers ITIL's processes, framework principles, concepts, and essential guidelines. This book is ideal for teams that already have a thorough knowledge of the phases of life when they begin to move to ITIL.

Volume 2: Service Strategy — This book includes the framework for strategic management that includes service portfolio management, value management and financial management for IT, demand-management as well as business relation management. This book is excellent information for teams seeking to upgrade their current procedures to meet the demands of customers.

Volume 3: Service Transition - To know more click here - ITIL CERTIFICATION

Triggers for Change: The entire process for change has been made easier and can be initiated by events that normally cause a need to initiate an IT upgrade or service improvement initiative. For example, your business might realise that it is required to benefit from the new capabilities provided by a cloud-based service provider, or that the existing edition of an app is obsolete and needs to be updated. These triggers could be identified and discussed by either external or internal teams like partners or executives and can be the catalyst for an improvement to be made.

Prioritisation of Changes:

One of the primary objectives of ITIL Version 4.0 is to offer more efficient methods for organisations to provide the business benefits and ensure that services are in operation, up and running, and running as expected. This is accomplished with a focus on crucial changes that must be made first, and then enabling team members to quickly implement the modifications.

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